Chris Anderson at TEDActive 2014

About TEDActive

Welcome to the official TEDActive blog!

TEDActive is an interactive event held in parallel to the annual TED conference. It gathers a curated community of curious, energetic leaders and global innovators to experience the live simulcast and transform ideas into action.

TEDActive is about exploring new ideas and opportunities to awaken latent creativity, inviting you to energize your imagination and rediscover the joy of making something with your own hands. Whatever insights you’re seeking, you can uncover. Whatever you’ve been meaning to build, or learn to build, you can. Innovation happens when you wonder, tinker and play. Attendees can sign up for workshops to learn new skills, or share expertise by leading their own workshops.

TEDActive attendees include TED leaders from around the world who help accelerate TED’s mission of spreading worthy ideas: Volunteer translators, independent TEDx event organizers, TED Prize wish contributors, TED-Ed educators and past TED Fellows. Special events provide opportunities for these community members to meet face-to-face and exchange best practices.

TEDActive 2015

Find out how to attend TEDActive >>